Here is my fantasy casting for the court of Westeros at the end of the series:
(Spoilers abound, so have a cut.)
- Danaerys for Queen of Westeros. (This book made me sad for her. She is such a powerful symbol that she can wreak havoc on a continent but at the same time she is so painfully naive. It makes my heart hurt.)
- Aegon/Young Griff as her consort, if he survives and she likes him.
- Jon as her consort if Griff dies, or else as Warden of the North. (Jon is my favorite do not talk to me about that last chapter I have not seen the body yet.) I'd make him King of the North but that's just asking for more wars.
- Tyrion as Dany's cynical and good-hearted Hand, and Sam as her Grand Maester.
- Arya as the really terrifying captain of her city guard. Actually, probably the head of Jon's guard, because let's be real, she's still a wolf to the bone.
- Jaime on the Kingsguard.
- Sansa as Dany's, like, best friend. Actually, Sansa can be whatever she wants because she's had too much to deal with.
- Rickon somewhere safe, prepared to inherit from Jon eventualy.
- Bran continuing to be all the trees. Only, preferably not being gradually destroyed by one, and with his back healed.
- Asha as queen of somewhere not in Westeros, but preferably not dead.
- Theon can be Asha's right hand, or Jon's. Or, um, he can die peacefully because that would probably be a huge relief.
- Mance and the wildlings safely removed from the wights and free in the north again.
- Stannis and the Boltons can gdiaf.
- So can Petyr, Varys and Illyrio, but only after they've set up my fantasy court.
- No one else has made enough of an impression on me for me to care*. They can live or die.
Also, can I just say: If GRRM kills off the narrators left from book one (So: Jon, Arya, Tyrion, Dany...are those the only ones left?) I'm probably going to stop reading. I'm tired of characters being killed off and replaced. I just want a long-term relationship with a few, okay?
Next up: <i>The Medium</i> by the fabulous MR Graham, which I am months behind on reading. It has been sitting forlornly on my shelf all week as incentive to finish the above tome. EXCITEMENT
*Including Davos. Davos bores me. Y'know, up until whenever he appeared, I could reliably predict which characters were pegged for death simply because they were too straightforward for me to care about. (Including the Red Wedding, fyi. Arya and Jon were the only Starks I was sure would last awhile.) But Davos ruined that.
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